In September 2017, we presented a new exhibition at Hall Place & Gardens, Bexley, of the vibrant paintings of Adrian Berg, RA (1929-2011).


A Time and Place, was the first survey exhibition of his work since his death in 2011.  Adrian Berg's work is a celebration of nature; much like Monet, he returned to the same place multiple times over weeks, months and years. Berg would devise grid systems to compartmentalise these fluctuations, sometimes even rotating his canvas so that, like a Persian carpet, it could be viewed from different sides.


Berg will be remembered as one of Britain's great and innovative landscape painters who left his colourful mark on contemporary artists such as David Hockney and Peter Doig, both of whom site him as a source of inspiration.


Project Details:

Curated by Artwise in collaboration with Sam Clarke (Adrian Berg Estate)

Commissioned by Caroline Worthington for Bexley Heritage Trust

Exhibition design by Mentsen